Rimske izkopanine / Roman excavations


Na prvi pogled deluje, kot da zgodovina manjšega pristaniškega naselja v Istri seže le do 70.let tega stoletja. Vendar o tem, da je bilo območje poseljeno že v času rimskega imperija pričajo (žal neustrezno ohranjeni) ostanki Ville rustice. V želji ustvariti večjo povezanost naselja s svojo kulturno zgodovino smo ob izkopaninah ustvarili javni prostor uporaben tako v višku turistične sezone kot v spokojnem vsakdanu lokalnih prebivalcev.

At first sight it seems the small port in Istria was built only in the 70`s. However, the excavations of the roman Villa rustica tell us a different story. Our aim was to highlight the connection of the city with it`s history by creating a public plaza next to the excavations. Lively and utilized as well in the turist peak season and in the everyday of local inhabitants.